Tuesday, May 13, 2008




Anonymous said...

Sometimes it just takes a little love to turn things around. I can't imagine what kind of person could treat a trusting animal so cruelly. JillyBean has done miraculously well and asks so little in return for her loyal affection. Good luck to her and her new family.

tinker said...

I recently mentioned to a 24-year-old that there are more shelters for animals than there are for people. His instant reply was, "Of course there are; we don't give up on people as quickly as we give up on animals." I think he's right and that's a good thing.

Clearly, Jill is an exception - although wasn't she abandoned along with a child?

You've seen those bumper stickers that say, "Good happens"? You need a bumper sticker that says, "We are good happenin'ers".

Bless you for what you do.

Bad Dog said...

Hi, Tinker:

Aren't these goingtothedogsofnewyork folks awesome???

I was one of Jill's rescuers -- Jill wasn't abandoned; she was found chained to a radiator in her owner's apt, without food or water and sitting in her own feces. Child protective services found her when they went to remove the child who was also living there. Let's hope that child is being loved and is thriving wherever she has ended up.