Sunday, June 1, 2008


On Friday afternoon, May 30th, my baby brother Jeremiah Joseph Leahy IV passed away in Houston, Texas. He suffered terribly with metastasized colon cancer and his death was indeed a blessing. Jerry had the most optimistic outlook on his quickly approaching demise. He said, "I'm going on a new adventure. I just don't know where I'm going or when I'll depart. But, I can say I have done everything in this life I wanted to do. I have two outstanding daughters, a wife who loves me, and have had more than my share of fun. I'm definitely ready for something new." Jerry accomplished so much in his brief time on earth. He worked tirelessly for the Latin community both in the United States and around the world. He was brilliant and his entrepreneur skills were coveted by many. Handsome and charming, he loved the ladies and always had a beauty on his arm. "It's in our genes to flirt and get the girls," he once confided. Jerry was generous with his time and money and helped so many people expecting nothing in return. He was one of the funniest people I ever knew. His humor, though often black, had us in stitches non-stop. My time with my little brother was so short and I will always regret I didn't have more opportunities to be with him. But, I am grateful for the moments we shared together. He was a fine, distinguished, and good man and I am proud to be his sister and will miss him.


Anonymous said...

My deepest sympathy goes out to you and your family. I was priviledged to meet Jerry and he was truely one of the funniest people I have ever met. Never have I laughed so hard when dicussing someone's death. He indeed had a unique genious for humor and I'm sure some one is laughing right now in his company.....wherever that may be.
Blessings to you all, Mary

MARTHAJO said...

I am so sorry for your loss, Cherie. The tribute says so much about him, I can appreciate your being proud to be his sister.

*hugs* Martha

Anonymous said...

So sorry for your loss and the loss to Jerry's kids and other family members. He sounds like a great guy and so much like you. I see it in the eyes, the dimples, the arms and hands and of course, the humor and the caring for others. In that respect, you carry all the good things of each other with you always. As Wordsworth wrote: "What though the radience that was once so bright be now forever taken from my sight, I will grieve not..rather, find strength in what remains behind." Carry on girl A great tribute.

Anonymous said...

What a loss, Cherie. Your tribute to Jerry brought on the tears. Josie and I are thinking of you, and if you want to talk more about him or just need a shoulder to cry on, we can take a walk in Central Park the next time you're in town.


Dodgeball Opera said...

This is a beautiful entry. Beautiful pictures. I'm sorry for your loss.